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报告人:路英 副教授

邀请人:张振铎 讲师


In the digital era, organizations are increasingly leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to optimize operations and decision-making. However, the opaqueness of AI processes raises concerns over trust, fairness, and autonomy, making the need for clarity and justifiability paramount. This study delves into how explainable AI (xAI) serves as a bridge to enhance understanding and acceptance of AI-driven decisions, focusing on its critical impact within the gig economy—a sector heavily reliant on AI for management and coordination. By leveraging cognitive load theory alongside cognitive fit theory, we propose that counterfactual explanations, by presenting alternative outcomes, improve worker acceptance and relationships with management. Conversely, local explanations, detailing the rationale behind decisions, might increase cognitive load and negate these benefits. An experimental study involving 1,107 gig workers shows that while both types of explanations increase AI decision acceptance, local explanations can diminish the positive effect of counterfactual explanations. Additionally, acceptance mediates the relationship between counterfactual explanations and worker-management relations, with local explanations moderating this mediation. This research underscores the efficacy of tailored xAI in promoting equitable and constructive interactions, contributing to the broader discourse on leveraging xAI to improve organizational practices and worker experiences in digitally mediated work environments.


路英博士,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(QS排名:133)管理学系高级讲师,国际商务硕士学位、商科硕士国际商务专业负责人。她于2012年在澳大利亚蒙纳士大学获得管理学博士学位,其研究领域包括可持续人力资源管理、算法人力资源管理、跨国公司管理及人工智能辅助决策等。路英博士的研究成果发表在多个知名学术期刊上,包括《Human Resource Management》、《Journal of Business Ethics》、《Human Resource Management Journal》、《Human Resource Management Review》、《The International Journal of Human Resource Management》、《Journal of Business Research》以及《Safety Science》等。她曾获得多项研究奖,包括Academy of ManagementBritish Academy of Management学会的最佳论文奖,以及麦考瑞大学2023年度研究卓越奖。路英博士目前担任《Stress & Health》、《Chinese Management Studies》副主编,《Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources》编委,以及《Journal of Business Ethics》和《The International Journal of Human Resource Management》等期刊的客座编辑,并在多个国际期刊担任匿名评审人。


下一条:Research in Organisational Economics
