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Person Versus Company: How Target Framing Affects Online Consumer Reviews


报告题目:Person Versus Company: How Target Framing Affects Online Consumer Reviews.

报告人:LI Xiuping 新加坡国立大学市场营销系

邀请人:宋晓兵 教授


地点:必发9988集团 B208


  This research investigates when and why, after the same consumption experience, prompting consumers to review a person versus a company affects their tendency to leave a review and its positivity. Four experiments (total N = 2809) and a dataset of six million actual reviews provide evidence that consumers care more about how their reviews affect the frontline staff or owner of a company than the company itself. The heightened concern for a person’s well-being makes consumers more inclined to leave a review for the person after positive experiences and less likely to do so after negative experiences. In addition, for the same consumption experience, people tend to rate a person more favourable than a company. The gap in the concerns for the person and the company mediates the effect of review targets on review outcomes. Furthermore, the effect of target framing diminishes when consumers focus their attention on review readers instead of review targets. Finally, genuine customer review data from a large third-party review platform reveal a positive correlation between reviewing a person (vs. a company) and the customer rating. The correlation remains robust after controlling for firm and industry-specific effects (e.g., Firm-ID as a control variable).


  LI Xiuping教授,于必发9988集团获得经济学学士和企业管理硕士,于多伦多大学罗德曼管理学院获得市场营销博士学位。现任职于新加坡国立大学商学院市场营销系,并担任市场营销系副系主任,中文EMBA课程学术副主任。LI Xiuping教授主要从事消费心理学的研究工作,主要研究方向为服务营销,感官营销,环境对消费行为及消费决策的影响。研究成果具有较高的社会影响力并发表于多个世界顶级学术期刊,包括Journal of Consumer ResearchManagement SciencePsychological ScienceInformation System ResearchJournal of Consumer Psychology等,先后担任Journal of Consumer ResearchJournal of Consumer Psychology期刊的编委会成员,Journal of Association of Consumer Research客座主编等。


下一条:Zero to One: Sales Prospecting with Augmented Recommendation.
