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Recommending What to Search: Sales Volume and Consumption Diversity Effects of a Query Recommender System


报告题目:Recommending What to Search: Sales Volume and Consumption Diversity Effects of a Query Recommender System


报告时间及地点:20231130 10:00-11:30 腾讯会议:192-888-866 (密码邮件通知)


We consider the sales volume and consumption diversity effects of a query recommender system (QRS). Collaborating with the leading mobile, on-demand food take-out app in Asia, we design and implement a field experiment wherein we randomly assign some users’ access to a QRS within their text-based search interface. We show that the QRS drives an approximate 1-2% increase in user order volumes over a 30-day period. Further, we show that the QRS also increases diversity of consumption, not only at the individual level, but also at the market level. We provide direct evidence of the diversity-enhancing impact of the QRS, showing that treated users begin to employ systematically more generic and shorter search queries, exposing them to a broader array of merchants and products. Finally, we demonstrate that the value of the QRS is directly dependent upon the complementary auto-complete feature. We show that the users who respond most strongly to the treatment are those who relied on the auto-complete to a greater degree prior to the introduction of the QRS. Further, we show that treated users increase their reliance on the auto-complete feature relative to users in control, such that treated users reduce the volume of queries they enter without auto-complete, and increase the volume they enter making use of auto-complete. Lastly, Our findings help to inform platform managers about the impacts of incorporating a QRS, both in terms of changes in user search behavior and, ultimately, the economic value that results for a platform.


佟思亮博士现任南洋理工商学院信息技术与运营管理系助理教授,于2020年获得天普大学福克斯商学院的营销博士学位。佟老师是实证方向的研究者,主要研究领域涉及人工智能、移动应用营销和共享经济。他的研究非常活跃,其研究成果在AMA会议、ISMS Marketing Science等会议上被评为最佳论文。目前已有研究发表成果在《Strategic Management Journal》,《Marketing Science》,《Journal of Marketing》,《Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science》。在进入学术界以前,佟老师有6年数字营销和网络分析的管理工作经验,并于2016年获得威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的MBA学位。

Dr. Siliang (Jack) Tong joined the Division of Information Technology and Operation Management at NBS on 01/02/2021. He earned his Doctoral degree in Marketing from the Fox School of Business, Temple University in 2020. Siliang is an empirical modeler who is interested in the substantive areas of artificial intelligence, mobile app marketing, and sharing economy. He is very active in research as his works were awarded as the best paper and finalist in multiple occasions such as AMA conference and ISMS Marketing Science conference. His research is published in Strategic Management Journal, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Before joining the academia, he had 6-year management experience in digital marketing and web analytics, and he obtained his MBA degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2016 .


