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A Bayesian-Loss Function-based Method in Assessing the Loss caused by Ship-Source Oil Spills in the Arctic


报告题目:A Bayesian-Loss Function-based Method in Assessing the Loss caused by Ship-Source Oil Spills in the Arctic



报告摘要:Increased number of ships in the Arctic region has created a dilemma for insurance companies. Many insurance companies are hesitant insuring ships going to the Arctic due to the limited information and knowledge. To address this, the paper presents a novel methodology for predicting the ship-specific actuarially fair insurance premium, which is a function of the type of ships going to the Arctic. The methodology is based on the Bayesian theory coupled with the value-based approach. The combination of the two methods enables the estimation of both tangible (e.g., economic loss due to damage to ship) and intangible ones (e.g., effect of oil spill on the culture of the affected populace). The method provides a framework for underwriting insurance for ships going to the Arctic. Furthermore, governments and non-governmental organisations could also use the tool for decision making purposes. Also, the model has the capability for contingency planning for oil spill response by both the locals and the coast guards.

报告人介绍:吴盖宇教授,北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院工商管理学院署理院长、供应链管理学教授。他在英国牛津大学获得博士学位,之后曾在加拿大曼尼托巴大学、香港理工大学和荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学任教。他擅长港口管理、运输经济、气候变化适应计划、运输基础设施计划和管理、机构和组织变更、全球供应链、绿色物流、废物管理和航海教育的研究。吴教授曾获得了超过5,000万人民币研究经费,其学术成果包括超过220份学术出版物。他的作品极具影响力,例如,最近的一项学术研究表明他是海事交通研究领域的全球五名前列学者之一。他获得了众多享有声望的荣誉,例如美国富布赖特学者计划、澳大利亚奋进研究奖学金、国际海事经济学家协会(International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME))杰出海事研究青年学者奖(Eagle Prize),以及各种国际运输、物流和供应链会议的最佳论文奖。此外,他是一位高素质的教育家和行政管理人员,因其杰出的教学、服务和研究学术工作而获得了曼尼托巴大学颁发的优异奖项。凭借这种专业知识,他经常向主要国际组织提供专家战略建议,例如联合国、欧盟委员会、非洲开发银行、加拿大科学院理事会和加拿大社会科学与人文研究理事会,等等。他目前是学术期刊《Maritime Policy & Management》和《Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics》的副主编,也是国际著名学术期刊的编辑委员会成员。此外,他也是IAME的官方杂志《The Maritime Economist》的主编。


