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Digital Resilience: A Conceptual Framework and Insights from Practitioner Research


报告题目Digital Resilience: A Conceptual Framework and Insights from Practitioner Research



报告人Yenni Tim 教授

邀请人:崔淼 教授


  In this seminar, Associate Professor Yenni Tim will introduce a new IS research agenda on digital resilience, focusing on building our collective capacity to leverage IS to anticipate, adapt to, and advance beyond recurring and intertwining extreme events— from climate-related disasters to sociopolitical challenges. She will first present a new conceptual framework (Tim and Leidner 2023) that serves as a lens to guide future work on digital resilience, facilitating the accumulation of a body of knowledge with implications for organisations and communities recovering from exogenous shocks. Next, Yenni will discuss one of her published empirical works (Tim et al. 2023), which advances our understanding of digital resilience, particularly in terms of designing IS to recover from exogenous shocks. This Practitioner Paper details an Action Design Research project, completed during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, that involved designing a telemonitoring system to assist frontline healthcare workers in managing the overwhelming workload emerging from an unprecedented health crisis. Yenni will share her experiences in conducting and publishing this Practitioner Paper and conclude the seminar by discussing how the design process knowledge gained through the study informs our understanding on digital resilience and what future research opportunities remain.


  Yenni Tim, is an Associate Professor at the School of Information Systems and Technology Management (SISTM), University of New South Wales (UNSW) Business School, Australia. Her research addresses practical challenges at the intersection of digital capacity, resilience, and societal progress. Yenni is currently an Associate Editor for the European Journal of Information Systems and Information Systems Journal, and a Managing Editor for the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Her work has been published in the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Information & Management, among other outlets.

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