Dalian University of Technology 中文

Student Voices

Dong Yan

DATE June 19, 2024

As a Ph.D. student majoring in economic system analysis and management (ESAM), I enjoy the diligent and free atmosphere at DUT. The college provides us with a clean and tidy studying environment, which gives us a sense of belonging to study here. My supervisor is an excellent professor. On the one hand, he gives us detailed guidance and helps me grasp a solid foundation in theory and methodology. On the other hand, with his respect, I am free to express my ideas and choose topics of interest for research. Besides, I have met a group of like-minded friends here. We learn from each other, accompany each other, and encourage each other. The days of studying in DUT make me feel free and comfortable, which is my precious memory.

-Dong Yan, Ph.D. candidate, ESAM, Ph.D. Class of 2001

Pre article:TANG Zhaoyang

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